On Abandoning Certainty

Introduction In my journey through Atheism and, more importantly, Skepticism, I’ve found myself in a state of constant flux. More recently, I’ve come to realize that even my position of Atheism is really nothing more than a side-effect of my Skepticism. Furthermore, and in this same vein, I’ve realized that any position which I arriveContinue reading “On Abandoning Certainty”

Pseudo-Skeptics & Pseudo-Atheists

Pseudo-Skeptics & Pseudo-Atheists   One of the hallmarks of the skeptical mindset is the ability to openly consider all ideas, regardless of their implications. A skeptic does not reject or accept ideas offhandedly and should not be quick to dismiss a claim without first considering the evidence. With that being said, I’d like to addressContinue reading “Pseudo-Skeptics & Pseudo-Atheists”

Atheism & Skepticism

When I began writing this, my intent was to talk about Atheism. But, what I found to be the case was that I really didn’t have much to say about it. I’ve come to a point in my life where, as opposed to when I first became an Atheist, disbelief in God really isn’t importantContinue reading “Atheism & Skepticism”